Hi everyone,
we have updated and transferred our webpage and the forum to a new Content Management System (CMS). The update was neccessary because the previous CMS software will not be developed any further and was very cumbersome to maintain. Also please note that the new CMS software does a very good job in translating all pages for display on your mobile phone, which will make it possible to read the blog pages and others on your mobile nicely.
The new system was also needed as a presentation platform for news and information regarding the upcoming new Twins CD release in 2018.
As you can see, we also have a blog page now, and news and information will be posted more likely here than on Facebook and Twitter. But we will post links to the blog on both social media platforms when new blog entries are available. Of course you can post your Likes and comments on both platforms as usual, we read everything 🙂
More to follow …